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Samhandling - Aristotle’s Philosophy of Equality, Peace, & Democracy

Aristoteles om samhandling (Philosophy Now):

Why did this intellectual snob (Aristotle) place such faith in the ordinary people? Why did he trust them to make good decisions? He recognised that some are more intelligent than others; but also acknowledged that many individuals deliberating (to think carefully or attentively; reflect:) together would have a greater combined knowledge than even the wisest person. His argument here is worth quoting at length:

“It is possible that the many, when they come together, may be better, not individually but collectively, just as public dinners to which many contribute are better than those supplied at one man’s cost. For where there are many, each individual, it may be argued, has some portion of virtue and wisdom, and when they have come together, just as the multitude becomes a single man with many feet and many hands and many senses, so also it becomes one personality as regards the moral and intellectual faculties.”